Sticky Floating Forms
WordPress Plugin

Add beautiful sticky floating forms on your website & attract your visitors.
Helps your visitors to easily contact you without further hassle.

Switch Button Positions

Click to change button position as you like on any
screen position.

Multiple Layouts & Styles

Check some of our ready to use templates with this plugin.
You can create any layouts using this plugin.

Powerful Options To Manage Your Forms

Creating dynamic WP webiste by using the best plugins, tools & software.
Business-specific WordPress templates that help a website stand-out in the crowd.

Display Rules

You can display forms anywhere you like to display eg. On Selected Pages, Posts etc.

Typography Options

The Plugin has depth typorgaphy options you can use any fonts, colors, etc as you like.

Contact Form 7

The Plugin can work with any contact form plugins, we have tested it with Contact Form 7.

Unlimited Design Possiblities

With the options available on the plugin you can create any design layouts.

Auto Open Options

Automatically open forms on scrolling certain areas of screen, while user is about to close browser or just after page is loaded.

Position Button Anywhere

Position the contact buton on any screen position you like, to attract your visitors.

Import & Export Options

Easily import & export plugin settings from our demos to your website directly.

Design Forms Easily

The plugin has inbuilt options to design your forms easily with just fewer clicks.

Ready to take your website
to the next level?

Revolutionize your workflow, and create faster, more
consistent websites with new professional features.

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It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout.